Monday, June 28, 2010

McDonald's East bound on I 44

While travelling on vacation I thought it would be neat to do a series of pictures and name them "Through the Windshield." Everyone has driven down the road and said "I wish I could take a picture of that" and couldn't or didn't take the time to stop and take the shot. So between my wife and I using my Iphone we shot many pictures of our vacation through the windshield. Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Waiting for the water to lower

While spending time on Taneycomo Lake I come across these two guys waiting for the water to go down before casting their hook. I told them I was catching more people with my camera then I was seeing trout being pulled from the stream. But what did it matter it was a beautiful day just being outdoors.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Duck out of water

Duck out of water, originally uploaded by jimbwalking.

More from Through the Windshield series. You have heard the old saying about a duck out of water, well here is a Duck out of the Water. A fun way to see the sites in and around Branson and learn a little bit about the history of the area. And also everyone who rides gets a free Quacker so you can quack at those who don't have web feet.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Look out over Lake Taneycomo

Look out over Lake Taneycomo, originally uploaded by jimbwalking.

I like to geocache and while in Branson I hunted and found several caches. This is a lookout over Lake Taneycomo that was reached by walking a nature trail in one of the cities parks.
The cache was hidden about 20 feet from this lookout on a rock ledge that you had to traverse to reach the cache container. it was a little bit scary but fun to do.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fishing from the Bank

Fishing from the Bank, originally uploaded by jimbwalking.

Branson is well known for its musical entertainment, good food and hillbilly life style. Another thing they have is great fishing. Many anglers come to Branson each year to fish Lakes Taneycomo and Table Rock.
These guys are trying their luck for lake trout on Lake Taneycomo just below the Table Rock Dam. The waters of Taneycomo are cold from the elevation of the dam making this lake an ideal spot for trout.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sycamore Log Church

Sycamore Log Church, originally uploaded by jimbwalking.

I enjoy geocaching and a couple of years ago this church was listed as a virtual cache. At that time I couldn't locate the church with my handheld gps because the gps didn't have local roads in its memory. On this trip I had a vehicle gps with local maps so I found this spot fairly easy.
I think the old church is beautiful with plenty of rural character and the sign posted on the outside wall stated that services were still held in the building.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ozark Mountains

Ozark Mountains, originally uploaded by jimbwalking.

Traveled to the Branson MO. on vacation this year I had a great time and took some good pictures. This shot is from my Through the Windshield series as we entered the Ozark Mountains.