Tuesday, April 22, 2014

     Fred Gipson author of Old Yeller, Savage Sam, The Home Place and other works of fiction and nonfiction books about life on the frontier of the American West was born February 7th 1908 on a farm in the hill country of Texas near the town of Mason.
     As a fan of Mr. Gipson's books and the movies produced by Walt Disney Studios especially Old Yeller and Savage Sam for years I have had a desire to visit the Texas Hill Country and experience the landscape and culture of this land.
     This past weekend after a long cold winter which still seemed not wishing to give up its grips on my central Oklahoma home I decide it was time to go see Old Yeller. With the truck packed I pointed it to the warmer, greener land to the south.
     Before leaving my home state I noted the grass was greener and the trees were leafing out and as I drove through Texas toward the hill country my heart was smiling as I noted the wildflowers along the roadway.
    South and West of Fort Worth I thought about the settlers entering this country for the first time and how with all their belongings stowed in their wagons they traveled to new homes of dreams and promises. Granted my trek was easier and faster rolling along on asphalt pathways at speeds of 70 and 75 miles per hour.
     I watched the buttes and hills as I traveled across the land and my inner eyes could see men on horseback watching my progression, at times I swore they held war lances at their side and at other times they wore the wide brimmed sombrero shading their eyes from the glare of the sun.
     In the distance I could see the dust cloud of a moving herd of cattle as the cowhands pointed the beeves to markets to the north as I passed herds of goats grazing the land. I kept and eye on the Brazos, Colorado and Llano rivers as I crossed, wondering if the trail boss and cowhands would have a safe crossing.

     Finally after hours on the trail, excuse me highway, I reached my destination of Mason Texas. The business district is constructed in a square with the courthouse sitting in the center of the square most of the buildings would date back to the late 1800's and early 1900's. Mason is also home to Fort Mason which was Robert E. Lees last command with the United States Army.
     There are many things to do and see in the small town of Mason and within the surrounding area your choices or interesting and varied. Fredricksburg is a German settlement with an interesting history and just outside of town is Luckenbach Texas made famous with the country song by the same name sung by Waylon Jennings.
     But I digress from the main reason I made this trip and that was to see Old Yeller. Sitting in front of the Eckert Memorial library is a bronze statue by Texas sculptor Garland A. Weeks depicting a boy and his dog, Old Yeller.

     As I stood to have my picture made I placed my hand on the dogs neck and ruffled his fur and the memories of dogs past and present flooded my inner eyes and my outer eyes watered. A tear threaded down my cheek as I relived the many adventures and fun times I shared with my four legged friends. As the movie ended with tears of sadness for the fate of Old Yeller my trip to see Old Yeller ended with a tear of happiness.