Monday, March 8, 2021

Who was that Masked Man

The day was going to be beautiful and most importantly it was going to be warm.  After all the freezing snowy weather we had endured my wife and I were ready to get out of the house and take a road trip.

 With covid we were practicing safe precautions wearing masks and social distancing and with those thoughts in mind we decided our trip would be to Chickasaw National Recreation Area or as us locals say “We went to Sulphur.”

 We had a wonderful time my wife bought a pot at an antique store to display on our mantel. And then we went to the park and walked several of the trails while enjoying the sunshine and the clear cold spring water flowing in the creeks.

 After eating a late lunch in the park and with it getting late in the day it was time for us to head home but first we needed to take on some fuel.  Pulling into the Filling Station and pumping the gas I noticed they also sold lotto tickets. This being

Wednesday with the power ball drawing tonight once the tank was filled I headed for the store with mask in place to buy a ticket.

 As I walked through the door to my left there was a dinning area with people eating and visiting.  Walking to the counter to purchase my ticket I noticed they all stopped what they were doing and it got real quiet as they stared at me. Honestly it made me somewhat nervous.

 Now I know I’m not that good a looking nor am I that bad a looking so the only thing I could figure out was, I was the only one in the whole store wearing a dang mask. I really don’t think they had ever seen someone wearing a mask. I just hoped they didn’t think I was a robber!

 I wanted to turn and run out of there as fast I could but gosh my knees were knocking and my heart was racing, I was afraid if I took off running I might trip over my two left feet. And with all that, the darn mask kept crawling up to my eyeballs causing my glasses to steam over.    

 So I did the next best thing and that was to show no fear. I turned to the store keep and laid three, one dollar bills on the counter, give me one line on the Power Ball with the multiplier I said. With ticket in hand I glanced to the customers in the dinning area who still had not started eating I was hoping there food wasn’t getting cold.

 As I reached the door I stopped and turned to the people in the store and said “Have you never heard of the Lone Ranger I’m very pleased to meet your acquaintance. I would really like to sit and visit for a while, but Tonto is waiting for me out there in Sliver.” With a Hi-Yo Silver Away I trotted to the car and my wife and I headed home.

 Oh one other thing no we didn’t win the lottery but we sure did have a good time.