Friday, January 15, 2010


After the blizzard of 09 and the mud of 2010 I have been going to work and staying home. Last night after writing my evening blog and scrolling the menu for something to watch on TV I began to feel restless. I knew it was nothing but cabin fever and it was really to late to go somewhere I decided why not slip on my boots and step outside for a few minutes. After all the weather was mild and I could use some fresh air. With a light jacket on and my flashlight in my hands I went out the back door and down the steps to my backyard.

As I stepped out onto the wet grass I started to hear a pack of coyotes in the distance, I could tell they had worked themself's into a frenzy by the excited yelps and howls coming from the pack. As a shiver ran down my back bone and the hair on the back of neck began to tingle I began to hear another sound coming from the wild cries of the coyotes, a sound that didn't belong, but yet was familiar. I stood stock still while listening very hard trying to recognize this unknown addition to the coyotes howls, while the voice in my head was saying go back into the house, why didn't you bring your pistol when you went out, go where it is safe.

I stood my ground and continued to listen, I ignored my inner voice facing my fear, curious as to what was making this hysterical call for help. As the sound became louder and more pronounced I then began to realize what I was hearing was the bellow and cry of a cow fighting for her or the life of her calf as the hungry pack attacked. My first thought was how can I help, but I knew how sound can travel and this battle for food or life was begin fought quite a ways from where I stood and there were many gullies and heavy woods between me and the struggle to survive.

I stood hopeless and listened as the battle began to wind down no doubt to its outcome. I felt sorrow and remorse for the cow and calf the unthinkable horror they had endured and the untimely end one or both had just met. Their quiet life invaded by the predators that had caught their scent. I also hung my head and thought about the farmer who was trying to make a living to feed his family, or too achieve his dream and the nightmare that would greet him in the morning when he went out to check his cattle.

I slowly walked back to my house feeling hurt and sad for begin a witness to this tragic drama and then I thought of the coyotes and how there would not be any hunger in this pack tonight. I then came to the realization that this was Nature at work here tonight and what I had heard was the call of the wild.

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