Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Assignment Evenings, originally uploaded by jimbwalking.

For many years I have been interested and have enjoyed walking and riding the trails in and around home. When I take trips away from home I always look for a place to walk it may be a city sidewalk or a trail around a city park it doesn't really matter I just enjoy being out and about looking at whatever is new to me. I have seen some wonderful sights.

One habit I have when I walk or ride no matter whether I am in an affluent area or on the poor side of town is whoever I meet or pass I always greet them with a smile and hello, sometimes I get a smile and hello back, sometimes they look at me as if I am crazy, but it is fun to watch their reaction.

As the attached photo shows this is my tools of the trail all of this equipment has been with me for years and has traveled many miles and I hope these tools have many more miles left in them, because there is a lot of trails I still want to travel and people I want to say hello too.


  1. Can't agree more. If everyone would greet you with a smile (or even just a nod) the world would be a much better place. Wow, I haven't seen a Giant Iguana for years - didn't know they still made them!! Love the GPS hanging from the bars - they are an invaluable piece of kit these days.

  2. Well said buddy. I sure miss being in town and geocaching with goods friends. Maybe we can meet up sometime soon. Great Blog!!
