Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I have been a people watcher for many years. I remember back in my early teens or maybe just before, my mother said to me " Watch people and pattern yourself after the way they conduct there-self." What Mom meant by this was that she had taught me everything she knew as far as manners and being polite was concerned and it was up to me learn the rest of the things I needed to advance further in life.

You see Mom was a daughter of a share-cropping familty who had never practiced good manners or being polite. They couldn't take the time for education because farming and putting food on the table was a day to day battle for suriveal. So what Mom did growing up and into womanhood was watch how other people acted and then copied what they did in the day to day ways of life.

I listened to my Mother and followed her example and I have been watching people for many years. I have learned a lot of things by doing this and my manners are about as good as they will ever be. I have also learned many things about how not to act because over the years I been around my fair share of fools, but the best teacher I ever had was my wonderful Mother who taught me to observe, and make decesions based on how I would want to be treated if I was in other peoples shoes.

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