Sunday, January 17, 2010


100_2691, originally uploaded by jimbwalking.

This trail is located West of Branson Mo. at the Paul and Ruth Henning Conservation Area. While walking some of this trail last June I was impressed with the beauty of the country side and the peace and quiet that surrounded me.

My thoughts went to Harold Bell Wright who wrote the novel "The Shepard of the Hills" Mr. Wright wrote his best selling book in 1907, not to far from where I was walking and I wondered if I might be walking in his foot steps.

The trail is between 5 and 6 miles long and I understand some abandoned homesteads are along the route. I hope the next time I visit Branson I will be able to continue this walk.

As a side note of interest Paul Henning is the same person who created The Beverly Hillbillys, the TV show which was very popular in the sixties.

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